Don’t forget to sign up! We need a headcount so we have enough supplies.
To sign up for the summer reading program, click here and fill out the form. The program runs from June 6 to August 12th!
It’s more than just reading.
Who can Participate?
Children (Pre-K thru 5th grade), Teens (6th grade and up), and Adults are welcome to sign up and participate in this year’s Summer Reading (And More) Program 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities.”
How Do I Participate?
We will have grab-and-go kits available every Monday from June 6th thru August 2nd. Just stop by the library and pick up your kit. (These are designed to keep them busy and maybe secretly keep them reading and learning too).
Light reading over the summer is a fun and easy way for children to prevent a decline in reading achievement. With our Summer Reading Challenge, children can discover learning activities, teens can strengthen reading skills, and adults can explore great books.

What is Included in the Kit?
- “Bingo card” (with activities to complete throughout the week)
- “Recommended materials” sheet (items available at our library to go with the weekly theme)
- “Link’s” sheet (to help you complete the bingo card and get you started)
- Be sure to check out our Facebook page for a bonus weekly challenge.
What Else is Going on?
We will also have in-person activities on Wednesday, June 15 & 29 and July 6, 13, and 27, and August 10th for children at the Municipal Building 206 S. Main St. Brighton, IL 62012).
These will be between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm (stop in at your convenience).
There are also four performance dates:
June 8th @ 1:00 pm- Juggling Jeff
June 22nd @ 1:00pm- Richard Landry & Snowball
July 20th @ 10:00 am- Wild Times Exotic
August 3rd @ 1:00pm- Mad Science
Anything Else I Need to Know?
Completing and returning bingo cards and kids will be rewarded with a small treasure box weekly prize!
- 1 bingo will equal 1 treasure box prize
- 2 bingos will equal 2 treasure box prizes
- 3 bingos will equal 3 treasure box prizes
- A FULL card will equal 1 slightly larger prize
- There will not be any grand prizes this year
More info on Teen and Adult programs coming soon!
Join us and let’s have some FUN!